G&H Orthodontics Achieves EU MDR Certification
December 21, 2022G&H Orthodontics is now Medical Device Regulation (MDR) certified in the European Union*. Fewer than 10% of all medical device companies worldwide have achieved this milestone.
G&H Orthodontics is now Medical Device Regulation (MDR) certified in the European Union*. Fewer than 10% of all medical device companies worldwide have achieved this milestone.
Our most recent blog covered a recommended standard for orthodontic wires in the early stage of treatment: the three R’s of robustness, rigidity, and range. These characteristics help the wire efficiently move teeth from their misaligned ...
Prior to the five C’s of diamonds -- cut, clarity, color, carat weight, and certification -- there were more subjective reasons that determined a diamond’s price. Perhaps the most common was size. We have since been able to look back at those ...
An April 2022 MedTech Europe Survey Report notes that more than 85% of medical devices certified under the European Union’s previous Medical Device Directive (MDD) or Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive (AIMDD) haven’t been certified ...
Levin Group views the COVID-19 crisis in three stages. Stage 1 is the crisis itself. Stage 2 is entering recovery. Stage 3 is recovery. We estimate it will take about 12 – 18 months for most orthodontic practices to bounce back. We are also ...
Marketing has changed dramatically since the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis. What looked like excellent marketing prior to the crisis can come across as insensitive and misplaced at this time. Orthodontists can certainly still find marketing ...
You have been told over your entire business career not to get too personal with people that you manage. You've been told it's a bad idea to cross the line because it's very difficult to cross back. You have been told a lot of things and at the ...
Today we live in a world where traditional types of businesses are changing their image and brand to attract customers by creating an experience that goes far beyond the product or service. A leading example of this has always been Disney. This ...